Spiritual Buzzwords

Published on 16 April 2024 at 02:55

Dear reader, its that time again where I bless
your socials with another rambling!

This time- it's the buzzword culture I'm here to call out.

Who even created the word buzzword?!

Now firstly, full disclosure- I love seeing people talking about doing their inner work, moving through trauma and getting to know themselves in a deeper sense of the meaning.

It's a controversial standpoint to some to acknowledge that we are simply more than skin and bone beings - connected to our world in ways many often never acknowledge - often part of the work we need to do is based around connection!

I feel both delighted and disappointed that it has become commercialised- crystal subscription boxes? 'Spiritual signage for the bathroom wall! and High Street retailers calling on the clothing ranges for those who are spirituallly enlightened to go with their chakra bracelets.

'Healing' is seemingly being used as a selling point for the masses of vulnerable people looking for more, better - which ever the angle.
It doesn't have to cost you anything to become more enlightened/healed/connected. Nothing atall.

Just a commitment to look inside, have honest conversations with yourself and others and an intention to live authentically with love at the centre of course.

Love doesn't cost a thing and neither does honesty. So honestly, save the subscription (I know we all love things coming in the post; dopamine addicts that we are!) Using the right hashtags or buzzwords won't make a difference to your worthiness of 'Healing Status'.

Save the signage on your wall, we live laughed and loved the old ones until we didn't- the next thing will roll around and you'll have to buy another!

We also don't need to fit in - dare I say it! Your JOURNEY will be vastly different to anyone else's , although that doesn't mean we won't be able to relate.

I guess I want to say, don't worry about it  - don't worry about the organic essential oils, Amethyst geodes or woke slogans. Don't worry about showing everyone else just how much nature you're getting! You're okay as you are, you're doing great.

Buzzwords aside, working through your 'stuff' and re-learning/unlearning is a tricky process - it's great to find a facilitator who you connect with to help along the way ( it's not essential but it can prove invaluable ) there's also lots of information online, podcasts and blog posts alike, whichever way you prefer to get your information - it is available.

I wonder if the buzzwords become more about following trends than the words themselves - in this never ending ratrace to be just like everyone else, and we don't need to be - we need to be ourselves.

Love Rapunzel 

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